Cockney Knees-up Medley

The sun as got his hat on hip-hip-hip-hooray! 
The sun has got his hat on, and he's coming out today. 
Now we'll all be happy, hip-hip-hip-hooray!
The sun has got his hat on, and he's coming out today. 

He’s been roasting peanuts out in Timbuctoo
Now he's coming back to do the same to you. 
Jump into your sunbath hip-hip-hip-hooray! 
The sun has got his hat on, and he's coming out today. 

- o -

Yes! We have no bananas
We have no bananas today. 
We've string beans and HONions, 
cabBAHges and scallions
And all kinds of fruit and say, 
We have an old fashioned toMAHto
Long island poTAHto
But yes! we have no bananas
We have no bananas today. 

- o -

I've got a loverly bunch of cocoanuts, 
There they are a standing in a row.
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head. 
“Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist”, 
That's what the showman said.
I've got a loverly bunch of cocoanuts, 
Every ball you throw will make me rich.
There stands me wife, the idol of me life
Singing roll or bowl a ball a penny a pitch. 

Singing roll or bowl a ball a penny a pitch. 
Singing roll or bowl a ball a penny a pitch. 
Roll or bowl a ball,
Roll or bowl a ball,
Singing roll or bowl a ball a penny a pitch. 

- o -

Oh, what a beauty!
I've never seen one as big as that before!
Oh, what a beauty!
It must be two foot long or even more.
Such a lovely colour, so nice and round and fat;
I never thought a marrow could grow as big as that. 
Oh, what a beauty -
I've never seen one as big as that before. 

- o -

Boiled beef and carrots,
Boiled beef and carrots.

That's the stuff for your 'darby-kel' 
Makes you fat and it keeps you well
Don't live like vegetarians,on food they give to parrots. 
From morn till night, blow out your kite
On boiled beef and carrots. 

- o -

Any old iron, any old iron,
Any, any, any old iron
You look neat, talk about a treat,
You look a dapper from your napper to your feet. 
Dressed in style, with a brand new tile,
And your father's old green tie on.
An' I wouldn't give you tuppence
for your old watch chain,
Old iron, old iron! 

- o -

Oh, my old man's a dustman
He wears a dustman's hat.
He wears cor blimey trousers
And he lives in a council flat.
He looks a proper narner
In his great big hob-nailed boots.
He makes such a fuss when he pulls 'em up
That he calls ‘em daisy roots. 

- o -

I like pickled onions,
I like piccalilli,
Pickled cabbage is all right
With a bit of cold meat on a Sunday night, 
I can go tomatoes, but what I do prefer
Is a little bit of cucum, cucum, cucum, 
A little bit of cucumber. 

- o -

She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes,
She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes, 
She'll be coming 'round the mountain, 
Coming 'round the mountain,
Coming 'round the mountain when she comes. 

Singing eye-ye-yi-pi-yi-pi-yie, 
Singing eye-ye-yi-pi-yi-pi-yie, 
Singing eye-ye-yi-pi, eye-ye-yi-pi, 

- o -

You put your left leg in, your left leg out. 
In, out, in, out and shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Kokey and you turn around. 
That’s what it’s all about.
Oh! The Hokey Kokey!
Oh! The Hokey Kokey!
Oh! The Hokey Kokey!
Knees bend, arm stretch, ra ra ra! 

- o -

Knees up Mother Brown, 
Knees up Mother Brown. 
Under the table you must go, 
Ee-aye, Ee-aye, Ee-aye-oh. 
If I catch you bending
I'll saw your legs right off. 
Knees up, knees up, Don't get the breeze up
Knees up Mother Brown. 

Oh my, what a rotten song, 
What a rotten song, 
What a rotten song.
Oh my, what a rotten song, 
And what a rotten singer too! 

- o -

My old man said, “Follow the van,
And don't dilly dally on the way!”
Off went the cart with the home packed in it, 
I walked behind with my old cock linnet. 
But I dillied and dallied,
Dallied and dillied,
Lost the van and don't know where to roam. 
You can’t trust the “specials”
like the old-time “coppers”
When you can’t find your way home. 

- o -

Roll out the barrel
We'll have a barrel of fun. 
Roll out the barrel
We've got the blues on the run. 
Zing! Boom! Ta-rar-rel! 
Ring out a song of good cheer.
 Now's the time to roll the barrel
For the gang's all here.