Sing-a-long Medley (Part 1)

Leaning on a lamp, maybe you think I look a tramp, 
Or you may think I'm hanging round to steal a car; 
But no, I'm not a crook,
And if you think that's what I look
I'll tell you why I'm here and what my motives are. 

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
In case a certain little lady comes by.
Oh me, oh my, I hope the little lady comes by.
I don't know if she'll get away,
She doesn't always get away,
But anyway I know that she'll try.
Oh me, oh my, I hope the little lady comes by. 

There's no other girl I could wait for, 
But this one I'd break any date for,
I won't have to ask what she's late for, 
She'd never leave me flat,
She's not a girl like that, 
She's absolutely wonderful and marvellous and beautiful,
And anyone can understand why
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
In case a certain little lady comes by. 

- o -

I'm singin' in the rain, just singin’ in the rain. 
What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again.
I'm laughing at clouds so dark up above,
The sun's in my heart and I'm ready for love. 
Let the stormy clouds chase ev'ryone from the place. 
Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face. 
I'll walk down the lane with a happy refrain, 
And singin', just singin' in the rain. 

- o -

Underneath the arches
We dream our dreams away. 
Underneath the arches
On cobblestone we lay.
Ev'ry night you'll find us
Tired out and worn.
Happy when the daylight comes creeping
Heralding the dawn. 
Sleeping when it's raining and sleeping when it's fine. 
I hear the trains rattling by above. 
Pavement is our pillow no matter where we stray. 
Underneath the arches we dream our dreams away. 

- o -

She's my lady love, she is my dove, my baby love, 
She's no gal for sittin' down to dream, 
She's the only queen Laguna knows;
I know she likes me, I know she likes me
Because she says so;
She is my Lily of Laguna,
She is my Lily and my Rose. 

- o -

Oh! We ain't got a barrel of money,
Maybe we're ragged and funny
But we'll travel along, singin' a song, side by side. 
Don't know what's comin’ tomorrow,
Maybe it's trouble and sorrow,
But we'll travel the road, sharin' our load, side by side. 

Thru all kinds of weather
What if the sky should fall?
Just as long as we're together,
It doesn't matter at all.
When they'll all had their quarrels and parted, 
We'll be the same as we started,
Just trav'lin' along, singin' a song, side by side. 

- o -

Strollin', just strollin',
In the cool of the evening air,
I don't envy the rich in their automobiles, 
For a motor car is phoney,
I'd rather have shanks's pony
When I'm strollin', just strollin', 
With the light of the moon above, 
Ev'ry night I go out strollin',
And I know my luck is rollin', 
When I'm strollin', with the one I love. 

- o -

I'd like to get you on a slow boat to China,
All to myself, alone.
Get you and keep you in my arms evermore, 
Leave all your lovers weeping on the faraway shore. 
Out on the briny with a moon big and shiny, 
Melting your heart of stone,
I'd like to get you on a slow boat to China,
All to myself alone. 

- o -

Gee! It's great, after bein' out late, 
Walkin' my baby back home. 
Arm in arm, over meadow and farm, 
Walkin' my baby back home.
We go along harmonisin' a song, 
Or I'm reciting a poem,
Owls go by, and they give me the eye, 
Walkin' my baby back home. 

We stop for a while, she gives me to park, 
And snuggles her head to my chest. 
We start in to pet, and that's when I get
Her talcum all over my vest.
After I kinda straighten my tie,
She has to borrow my comb.
One kiss, then I continue again, 
Walkin' by baby back home. 

- o -

Grab your coat and get your hat,
Leave your worry on the doorstep,
Just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street. 
Can't you hear a pitter-pat?
And that happy tune is your step,
Life can be so sweet on the sunny side of the street. 

I used to walk in the shade with those blues on parade. 
But I'm not afraid this Rover crossed over.
If I never have a cent I'll be rich as Rockefella, 
Gold dust at my feet
On the sunny side of the street. 

- o -

Oh! You beautiful doll,
You great big beautiful doll.
Let me put my arms about you
I could never live without you,
Oh! You beautiful doll,
You great big beautiful doll.
If you ever leave me how my heart will ache, 
I want to hug you, but I fear you'd break.
 Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, you beautiful doll. 

- o -

Shine on, shine on harvest moon up in the sky,
I ain't had no lovin' since
January, February, June or July.
Snow time ain't no time to stay outdoors and spoon, 
So shine on, shine on harvest moon,
for me and my gal. 

- o -

You are my honey, honeysuckle, I am the bee, 
I'd like to sip the honey sweet from those red lips, you see,
I love you dearly, dearly, and I want you to love me, 
You are my honey, honeysuckle, I am the bee. 

- o -

On Mother Kelly's doorstep, down Paradise Row, 
I'd sit along o' Nelly, and she'd sit along o' Joe.
She'd got a little hole in her frock, a hole in her shoe,
A hole in her sock, where her toe peep'd through, 
But Nelly was the smartest down our alley. 

On Mother Kelly's doorstep, I'm wondering now
If li'l gal Nelly remembers Joe, her beau, 
And does she love me like she used to,
On Mother Kelly's doorstep, down Paradise Row. 

- o -

By the light of the silvery moon, I want to spoon, 
To my honey I'll croon love's tune.
Honey moon, keep a shining in June,
Your silv'ry beams will bring love's dream, 
We'll be cuddling soon,
By the silvery moon. 

- o -

You made me love you
I didn't wanna do it,
I didn't wanna do it,
You made me want you, 
And all the time I knew,
I guess I always knew it, 
You made me happy sometimes
You made me glad. 
But there were times dear, 
You made me feel so bad. 

You made me sigh for,
I didn't wanna tell you,
I didn't wanna tell you.
I want some love that's true,
Yes I do, 'deed I do, you know I do.
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, what I cry for,
You know you got the brand of kisses that I'd die for, 
You know you made me love you. 

- o -

We were sailing along on moonlight bay,
We could hear the voices ringing,
They seemed to say:
“You have stolen my heart, Now don't go 'way!” 
As we sang love's old sweet song on moonlight bay. 

Me and my shadow strolling down the avenue. 
Me and my shadow not a soul to tell our troubles to. 
And when it's twelve o'clock,
We climb the stair.
We never knock for nobody's there;
Just me and my shadow,
All alone and feeling blue. 

- o -

Hello, Dolly, well, hello Dolly,
It's so nice to have you back where you belong. 
You're looking swell, Dolly, We can tell, Dolly, 
You're still glowin', You’re still crowin', You're still goin' strong.
We feel the room swayin', For the band's playin' 
One of your old fav'rite songs from way back when. 
Take her wrap, fellas,
Find her an empty lap, fellas,
Dolly'll never go away again! 

- o -

What good is sitting alone in your room? 
Come hear the music play.
Life is a Cabaret, old chum,
Come to the Cabaret.
Put down the knitting,
The book and the broom.
Time for a holiday.
Life is Cabaret, old chum,
Come to the Cabaret. 

Come taste the wine, 
Come hear the band. 
Come blow your horn, Start celebrating; 
Right this way, Your table's waiting 

No use permitting some prophet of doom
To wipe every smile away. 
Come hear the music play. 
Life is a Cabaret, old chum, 
Only a Cabaret, old chum, 
And I love a Cabaret!